A Girls Life For Him : Thank you for the summer

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thank you for the summer

Thank you God For Summer! The 5 words that cross my mind as the end of summer comes closer. Thank you God For the Sand in my toes and the wind in my hair! Thank you God for the friends and family I am blessed with! Thank you God for..... SUMMER! 


  1. I love this! Keep up the good work girl! ♥

  2. Hey!
    I wanted to tell you that a blogging friend of mine ( Lydia Howe ) is about to publish her book, and needs help with reviews. She is giving out free e copies to anyone who is willing to review it on their blog. I thought that I'd let you know incase you're interested. I am helping her spread the word about it. XD If you want to help out and review the book on your blog, then you can fill out the sign up form below. In the form is a synopsis of the book.

    Have a blessed day!

